Who We Are and How to Join
What is the CCFA?
The Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association promotes friendship, understanding and co-operation between the peoples of Canada and Cuba. Our activities include exchanges in various areas (i.e. health, education, culture, etc.) as well as the gathering of material aid to Cuba. It is a registered non-profit, NGO, volunteer organization.
Community Outreach and Other Activities
CCFA members attempt to maintain a presence at other community events and encourage participation in the Association and promote awareness and understanding of the Cuban experience, including its ramifications for Canada. Co-operation with other organizations results in joint events and projects.
Since the CCFA believes in building friendship through understanding and co-operation, the Association works with other groups/organizations in Ontario and across Canada and also in Cuba, on various projects and provides information on Cuba and responds to the media. Special projects are also organized to promote various forms of material aid, provision of medical journals, textbooks, etc.
Membership is open to residents of Canada who support these aims. Upon payment of the annual membership fee, members are entitled to full participation, including voting rights and receiving the Association’s newsletter.
Meetings and Cultural Events
Meetings are held a number of times a year and include presentations on contemporary and historical topics such as aspects of Canadian and Cuban relations, the Cuban health system, social development, education, music and culture in general.
Over the years, the CCFA has brought to Canada some of the finest Cuban musicians, writers and films. Each year Canadians share in the cultural richness of Cuba through the Association’s celebrations of important Cuban holidays: Jose Marti’s birthdate – January 28th; Cuba’s National Day – July 26th; and other occasions that the membership may wish to recognize such as the annual Toronto-Cuba Friendship Day at Toronto City Hall in August.
Amistad (Friendship) Newsletter
The association’s bi-monthly newsletter is produced to keep members and other interested persons or groups up-to-date with observations about developments in Cuba as well as with the activities of the CCFA and other friendship groups. Readers are encouraged to send or write articles / notices for the newsletter. Deadlines are the 10th of Feb./Apr./Jun./Aug./Oct./Dec. The newsletter is published six times per year in Jan./Mar./May/Jul./Sep./Nov.
Friendship is built by reaching out. Take the first step – join the CCFA and reach out to Cuba.
For more information, visit www.canadacubafriendshptoronto.ca
tel: 647-501-1219 ccfatoronto@sympatico.ca
CCFA Toronto PO Box 99051 – 1245 Dupont St Toronto, ON M4Y 4H7
The CCFA Toronto aims are:
- to promote friendship, respect, co-operation and solidarity between Canadians and Cubans
- to provide information and events about Cuba to the public in areas such as culture, health, education, the arts, the environment, a sustainable economy, Canada-Cuba relations, sports, etc.
- to end the illegal U.S. blockade of Cuba which also affects Canada
and facilitate the sending of some medical and educational supplies to Cuba - to defend both Cuban and Canadian sovereignty from U.S. interference and its
deliberate misinformation about Cuba.