Appeal for New Members
Appeal for New CCFA Members!
The CCFA Toronto is reaching out for new members. We have found that due to Covid-19 restrictions our not being able to hold our usual, in-person activities has reduced the number of new members joining the CCFA Toronto.
Some people have joined from our solidarity events held on Zoom and social media, but we must reach out further to grow our organization and build and strengthen our solidarity with Cuba.
Inspired by the CCFA Niagara’s active recruiting campaign (see below) CCFA Toronto Executive is launching one as well.
We are asking our current members to reach out to others they know who would be interested in supporting Cuba and joining the CCFA Toronto. Pass on this newsletter, talk to your friends, forward them e-mail and Facebook announcements. Invite someone to come to our next event on March 12th
The CCFA is working on a new brochure with up to date information and an application form. As well, we are expanding our social media presence. It is important to get the word out about our organization and its aims and activities.
The Niagara Chapter of CCFA is conducting a membership drive in Niagara.
Help us Support Cuba and its Remarkably Friendly People
We would be pleased to hear from any that would like to join the Chapter or be part of the drive. Contact e-mail is or call Ron at 905-227-6432.