Statement of the Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association Toronto
The CCFA Toronto condemns the actions of counterrevolutionaries, who are continuing their fraudulent anti-Cuba, anti-democratic activities to try to destabilize Cuba.
It is reprehensible that many groups accept funding from the US government to carry out their shameful deceit to mislead Canadians and interfere with Cuba’s right to sovereignty. We were appalled that Canada allowed convicted terrorists, like Luis Zúñiga Rey, to enter Canada some weeks ago to launch a paid media campaign against Canadian tourism to Cuba. Luis Zúñiga Rey spent 14 years in prison in Cuba for his involvement in planning bombings of Cuban tourist hotels.
Spreading lies about the violent protests last July 11, 2021, the counterrevolutionaries try to create a false picture of the Cuban people. The reality is that Cubans came out in the millions to support their government last July, to condemn the paid dissidents, and to condemn the US Blockade which caused, and continues to cause, serious food and medical shortages in the face of the pandemic and intensified economic sanctions.
It is disgraceful, that these groups and individuals are supporting the US Blockade against Cuba, an illegal act, which is overwhelmingly condemned year after year by the United Nations.
Canadians know that the United States government is no friend of Cuba. They know that it continues its cruel economic blockade, and it continues to interfere in Cuba and internationally with millions of dollars paid annually to so-called “dissidents” through anti-Cuba NGOs, spreading lies and trying to stir up counter-revolution by manipulating the Cuban people who are facing economic hardship.
The CCFA Toronto supports Cuba’s right to self-determination and its right to protect itself from outside interference. We strongly condemn the US Blockade, which is an act of war, and is widely condemned by the United Nations, including Canada.
Cuba is Not Alone!
Elizabeth Hill, President, Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association Toronto